279 | Astrologer + Writer Emmalea Russo on Comebacks, Rock Bottoms, Saturn Reruns, North Nodes and Flow

Episode Summary

This episode is unique. I spoke with writer and astrologer Emmalea Russo about both then we play a conversation we had about some astrology specifics including north and south nodes and saturn returns. she gives an update astrologically for this week and reads my chart focusing on my saturn return. she's so wise and this episode is insightful, dark, and hopeful.

Episode Notes

Show Notes

Emmalea Russo is a writer and astrologer. She is the author of the poetry-essay collections G (2018) and Wave Archive (2019). Her writing on astrology, culture, art, and literature appears in Cosmopolitan, Poetry Foundation, The Thirlby, Hyperallergic, Los Angeles Review of Books, Fanzine, BOMB Magazine, and elsewhere. She has been a writer-in-residence at 18th Street Arts Center (LA) and Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (NY). Emmalea writes and podcasts on astrology and art at The Avant-Galaxy and writes the Ask An Astrologer advice column at Holisticism. In her practice, she combines ancient and modern astrology, tarot, and creative praxis, helping her clients connect with their stars for a more cosmically nuanced life experience. She uses astrology as a language, art, and tool for connection.

-Emmalea Russo website | instagram

-Astrology Sessions with Emmalea (discount code SATURN for 20% off)

-Podcast: The Avant-Galaxy Podcast

-Sign up for Emmalea’s newsletter and get monthly artful horoscopes or weekly astro-reports when you become a subscriber.

-Emmalea’s book, Wave Archive, which explores various realms of consciousness.

-Emmalea’s first book, G.

-Visit Emmalea as poet-in-residence at Ra Ma Institute for her monthly readings

-Ugly Duckling Presse

-Future Poem

-The Song Cave

-Nightboat Books

-Book Hug

-Katie's Astrology chart



-The Dream and the Underworld by James Hillman

-Mary Ruefle

Emmalea's Likes and Learns:

-Malina by Ingeborg Bachmann

-Big glasses

-Accepting compliments

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