Seasons of Overwhelm with Christy Harrison (Part 1)

Episode Summary

This week I spoke with my friend and mentor Christy Harrison, a registered dietitian, certified eating disorders specialist, journalist, and host of the weekly podcast Food Psych. In this conversation, we focus on intuitive eating and also discuss the overwhelming life season Christy is in. We could talk forever, so we're breaking this into two parts.

Episode Notes

This week I spoke with my friend and mentor Christy Harrison. Christy is a registered dietitian, certified eating disorders specialist, journalist, and host of the weekly podcast Food Psych. Her first book, Anti-Diet, came out last year and she's currently finishing her next book, Rethinking Wellness, which will be out in 2023. 

In this conversation, we focus on intuitive eating, covering the principles of it and the pitfalls. We also discuss the overwhelming life season Christy is in. She candidly talks about her pregnancy, IVF, writing, productivity, and how she's taking care of herself throughout it all. We get into how she's using meditation as tool to get used to sitting in discomfort and more. We could talk forever, so we're breaking this into two parts. 

Next week we'll cover: emotional eating, shame in eating habits (like eating alone or standing up), how the pandemic impacts body image, body image in pregnancy and postpartum, anorexia nostalgia, and more.


Show notes:

- Find Christy on the Web | Instagram

- Christy's book The Anti Diet

- Christy's episode on Dan Harris' Ten Percent Happier Podcast and anti-diet challenge

- All of the Let It Out Kits, including Katie's holiday workshops, are 22% off with the code "cosmic"

- Subscribe to our newsletter to get show notes sent straight to your inbox

- Follow @letitouttt on Instagram


If You Liked This Episode, Try Out:

Episode 298: Non-Linear Recovery, Body Image, and Diet Culture During a Pandemic with Anti-Diet Author and Food Psych Host Christy Harrison

