256 | Money Shame, Loneliness, Transition from Full-time to Freelance, Financial Literacy, Saturn Returns, Being in-between with Berna Anat [Limbo Podcast episode]

Episode Summary

Podcasting has become the best outlet for my creativity in my career. Through listening to podcasts, talking about podcasts, and producing a podcast myself I’ve been introduced to ideas, art, people, and places I never would have otherwise. Since I’ve been podcasting before the so-called podcast boom, I received a lot of questions on how I got started podcasting and asking for tips on how they could start a podcast too. Eventually I made LET [a podcast] OUT: an online workshop to learn everything you need to know about starting and growing a podcast. Plus, students have the chance to submit an episode of the podcast they create for a chance to be featured on the LET IT OUT podcast feed! Today, we’re airing the last round of LET [a podcast] OUT’s winning episode by Alex Hollander. Alex created LIMBO, a podcast about the spaces between. She used to work at Instagram before becoming a creative consultant full time. In this episode you’ll hear her conversation with her former colleague Berna, who is now a freelance, financial literacy teacher and has traveled the world. I learned so much their conversation. They covered creating a “healing team”, money shame, the transition from full time to freelance, travel loneliness, the importance of community outside your romantic partner, the idea of “relationship” privilege, race and traveling, and way more. It’s a really good one. Congrats to Alex – I’m so glad my workshop played a part in creating this amazing new podcast!

Episode Notes

Notes from the Show:

-Alex Hollander on The Web |Instagram| LIMBO Podcast

-Berna on Instagram | On the Web

-Felicia's Wallet videos 

-Is Long-Term Travel Lonely? Let Me Ask My Own Sad, Lonely A** Real Quick

-Too Dark & Not Enough: Traveling As A Dark-Skin, Curly Haired Filipinx! on How Not to Travel Like a Basic Bitch 

**Who is Berna?**

Berna Anat is a financial hype woman. That's her made-up way of saying, she's the creator of a financial literacy media series for young people that lives at @HeyBerna all over the Interwebz. Two years ago, she slayed her $50,000 debt, saved up to quit life and has been traveling the world trying to make money fun again ever since. Her portfolio includes work for Instagram, Seventeen, Glamour, and Scholastic, which is hilarious considering she still talks herself though the bunny ear method every time she ties her shoes.

**What is LIMBO?**

LIMBO podcast is an intersectional collection of conversations celebrating being in between - frank, witty, and soulful perspectives on life's big and small changes as they're happening. An optimistic, but honest, pause and reflection while the end is still unwritten. Going beyond the before and after and into the DURING.

We will talk about purpose, creativity, discovery, love, family, money, abundance, spirituality - and how our relationships to it all are evolving. Stories will be serious, not serious, messy, beautiful, silly, real. Success or a completed hero's journey is not a prerequisite.

**Who is Alex?**


Likes & Learns:

-There's no right time to do something! I've been rescheduling and planning things so many times over but now I'm trying to not do that and just stick to what I have on my plate.

-Four Sigmatic facial serum - their new edible skincare is amazing.

All original music composed by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs

Album art by Zoie Harman

Cool Things to Check-Out:

-My journaling class with Bluprint is now live and I am so excited to share it with you guys!

-We are re-launching my podcasting course Let A Podcast Out starting April 1st. Click here to take the mini tour of the class and sign up for the course today!

-Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates on where I'll be and what I'm loving.

-Join the listener Facebook Group.

-Get my book Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling.

If you Liked This Episode Try Out:

-Episode 12 Interview with Kate Northrup-Episode 58 with Nancy Levin-Episode 74 with Alissa Vitti-Bonus Episode last LET [a podcast] OUT winner Stephanie Kirlych 

This episode was supported by Emmy’s Organics. Emmy’s was founded in a home kitchen by Ian and Samantha who started the company in 2009. They make really yummy treats with simple ingredients like organic coconut and organic almond flour. Emmy’s never uses any artificial ingredients, preservatives or natural flavors and is a certified B Corp.

Get 40% off your first order at emmysorganics.com with the code LETITOUT!

This episode was also supported by Four Sigmatic. Some of you may know and remember my episode with Tero from Four Sigmatic where we talk about all things mushrooms. Four Sigmatic creates delicious and easy-to-make mushroom beverages with a wide variety of superfood ingredients.

 Get 15% off all your orders by heading over to FourSigmatic.com and using the code KATIE at check out.