230 | Loneliness, Manifesting, Body Image, Law-of- Attraction, and Abundance with Jess Lively

Episode Summary

we talked about Death, loneliness, fear of not having enough time, body image and food, the law of attraction, time scarcity and time abundance, plus so much more. It was a different conversation than anything I was expecting and I loved every second. 

Episode Notes

I’ve known Jess Lively for years, we both grew up in Michigan, and our paths overlapped there a few years ago. When we were both living there in 2016 we went to go see an Elizabeth Gilbert lecture about her book Big Magic and after over tacos we chatted for hours. Since then Jess has traveled all over the world in her own very Eat Pray Love-esque adventure and her life as changed so much. On that day we were both in an interesting places and I somehow shared with her off hand about Abraham Hicks over lunch, Jess ended up immersing herself in their work and implementing their concepts, along with many other teachers around the concept of law of attraction, manifestation, neuroscience, consciousness, and much more. She has  a unique  skill to distill heady esoteric content into practical terms. Most recently she's taken all of her work and created C-School, a live school in Australia where she now lives but is launching online this week. In this episode we talked about Death, loneliness, fear of not having enough time, body image and food, the law of attraction, time scarcity and time abundance, plus so much more. It was a different conversation than anything I was expecting and I loved every second. 

Notes from the Show:

-Jess Lively on The WebInstagram | Facebook | Twitter

-Jess' course Cschool 

-Crimson Circle

-Intro to Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks & Oprah

-The Journey of Souls

-Australian Carob Company

-Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert + her episode on Jess' podcast

-The Secret 

-The Power to Shape Your Destiny by Tony Robbins

-The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

-Isabel Foxen Duke + her episode on the pod

Cool Things to Check-Out:

-Meet me at The Good Fest on 8.11.18 in Philadelphia! Use the code KATIEDALEBOUT15 for a discount on your tickets!

-CONGRATS to all that just finished the Let [a podcast] Out online podcasting course with me! The next course will begin in October. Sign-up early to join us here.

-Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates on where I'll be and what I'm loving!

-Join the listener Facebook Group

-Get my book Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling.

All original music composed by Carolyn Pennypacker RiggsAlbum art by Zoie Harman

This episode was supported by Organifi. I love their Organifi Green Juice - an organic superfood green juice powder you just add to water to get your greens anytime, anywhere! The best part? It actually TASTES GOOD! Try it for yourself and use discount code LETITOUT at www.organifi.com to receive 20% off your order!

This episode was also supported by Four Sigmatic. Some of you may know and remember my episode with Tero from Four Sigmatic where we talk about all things mushrooms. Four Sigmatic creates delicious and easy-to-make mushroom beverages with a wide variety of superfood ingredients. You can get 15% off all your orders by heading over to FourSigmatic.com and using the code KATIE at check out.