229| Purpose, Emotional Trauma, Self-Care vs Narcissism, Spiritual Bypass with Mastin Kipp

Episode Summary

my compulsion of  using spirituality and personal growth as "spiritual entertainment" without actually implementing it, we get into comparison, and the thin line between self care and self indulgence, plus he gives some of the best relationship advice I’ve ever received.

Episode Notes

I met Mastin Kipp in 2014 at his book signing in Detroit. He told me then to stop consuming his work and the work of other self-help personalities and start focusing on my own creative work. Since then, I've done just that. I've spent less time developing myself and more time being myself as I am, or at least trying to. It was great to reconnect with Mastin and talk about the new direction of his work which is now mainly is focused on helping people go deeper into their emotional trauma and figuring out their purpose when they feel lost. We also talked in this episode about my compulsion of  using spirituality and personal growth as "spiritual entertainment" without actually implementing it, we get into comparison, and the thin line between self care and self indulgence, plus he gives some of the best relationship advice I’ve ever received.

Notes from the Show:

-Mastin Kipp on The WebInstagram | Facebook | Twitter

-Mastin's New Book: Claim Your Power  (also checkout the FREE online course that goes with it!) 

-Other Books from Mastin: Daily Love

-Mastin's podcast episode on Trauma Hacking

-Doctors that we talked about: Dr. Frank Lipman (check out his episode on the pod here) & Dr. Jeffrey Bland 

-The voice of Yoda: Frank Oz 

-Biopak red glasses



-We also talked about Microbiome health and Leaky Gut


Cool Things to Check-Out:

-Come to my Full Moon journaling workshop with Splendid Spoon. Get tickets here

-Join me for a creative writing workshop at Alchemist's Kitchen! Get tickets here

-Meet me at The Good Fest on 8.11.18 in Philadelphia! Use the code KATIEDALEBOUT15 for a discount on your tickets!

-CONGRATS to all that just finished the Let [a podcast] Out online podcasting course with me! The next course will begin in October. Sign-up early to join us here.

-Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates on where I'll be and what I'm loving!

-Join the listener Facebook Group

-Get my book Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling.


If You Enjoyed This Show I Recommend:


- episode 222 with Trevor Hall

- episode 217 with Kathleen Shannon

- this recent episode of Fresh Air about sleep 


Album art by Zoie HarmanAll original music composed by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs 



— Show Sponsors —


I’m super excited to share LilSpace App with you.  They are a new app that is 100% in alignment with a lot of what I’ve been talking about lately around the need to balance use of technology and social media. The LilSpace app is all about building a community around taking breaks from our phones so we can feel connected even when we are disconnected from technology.  The app helps you break bad phone habits and develop some healthier ones by rewarding you for the time you spend disconnected. You can also Unplug to support causes and earn rewards. It’s totally cool and inspires you to put away your phone, be present, mindful, and live your best life.

AND for the month of July you can join the "Let It Out Podcast Listener Challenge" where we will track our time unplugged as a group. Until the end of this month, lilspace will donate $1 for every hour tracked in our "Let It Out Podcast group" to the RealGirl organization which supports guiding girls towards reaching their highest potential. Here's how: 1) Download the lilspace app for iphone or android, 2) search in the app for the "Let It Out Podcast" and 3) let's unplug together for a great cause!

To get started right now just search for the LilSpace app
or go to GetLilSpace.com to download it to your phone



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