205 | Tina Essmaker of The Great Discontent on vulnerability, embracing silence, conversation, following curiosity + more!

Episode Summary

Our conversation flowed as if we were old friends covering moving, vulnerability, social media vs. real life, living wholeheartedly, advice for interviewing, embracing silence, the beauty behind not having it all figured out, focus, coaching for creatives, following your curiosity, and much more. She revealed what's next for her as she navigates her life and career post and her role at The Great Discontent.

Episode Notes

Notes from the Show:

- Tina on The Web | Instagram | Twitter 

-Update since this talk: she has launched her coaching business and currently has a few openings for clients. All of her info is up to date on her one-page site.

-all photos of Tina by Julia Hembree

-Elle Luna’s interview on TGD

-Nancy Levin (past pod guest) has a great quote we reference —  “Love the space between no longer and not yet.”

-on Lauren Zander’s pod episode we talk more about the difference between therapy and coaching

-Books: The War of ArtBig Magic, When Things Fall Apart

-Podcasts: The TurnaroundDeath, Sex and Money

-Movies: A River Runs Through It, Before Sunset & Before Sunrise

-TV - The Leftovers

-Music - War on Drugs and Kesha's new album Rainbow


Cool Things to Check-Out:

-I'll be at this CAP Beauty event in NYC on Jan. 24th

-Interested in learning how to launch your own podcast? I'm gaging interest for podcast advising + perhaps eventually an online course down the line. Email us to let us know if you're interested.

-Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates on where I'll be and what I'm loving!

-Join the listener Facebook Group

-Get my book Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling

-The Good Fest will be in L.A. on Feb. 3rd, 2018 !! Get $10 off with the code "KATIEDALEBOUT"


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