171 | Daniel Lerner on Positive Psychology, Science of Happiness, Importance of Relationships, and Knowing Your Strengths

Episode Summary

Popular NYU professor, author, positive psychology expert, and peak performance coach Dan Lerner and I talk about utilizing your strengths, impacts of social media, relationships, and flow vs deliberate practice.

Episode Notes

Popular NYU professor, author, positive psychology expert, and peak performance coach Dan Lerner and I talk about utilizing your strengths, impacts of social media, relationships, and flow vs deliberate practice.

Full show notes here.

Notes from the show:

-Daniel's Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

-Check out his book U Thrive: How to Succeed in College (and Life) and check out some of the free resources here that go with the book

-Some influential people on the positive psychology movement that Daniel mention's in the podcast: Martin Seligman, Chris Peterson, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (who wrote the book Flow)

-article summing up Anders Ericsson's view on deliberate practice

-most of us are fimilar with the Myers Briggs Test however Daniel strongly recommends taking the VIA psychology test to find out your stregnths

-PREP (prevention and relationship enhancement program) - tools for dealing with negative or difficult relationships

-Books we mention::
Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcom Gladwell
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Gift Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World by Lewis Hyde
Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked by Adam Alter (I also heard an interview with him on Fresh Air)

-Movies he recommends:: The Tree of Life, Whiplash and Sing

-His recommended food is the Avacado Dessert at Empellon in Midtown on 53rd (if you are in NYC)

We also mention this fun clip from Aziz Ansari on texting/social media/dating::


Cool Things to Check-Out:

-I'm super loving Dr. Gingers all natural dental products. Use the code "COCO2017" for a special discount.

-The Good Fest will be in L.A. on Feb. 3rd, 2017 !! Get $10 off with the code "KATIEDALEBOUT"

-In June I'll be hanging with the Wanderlust fam in Vermont -- come hang with us!

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-Get my book Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling or leave a review if you have read it.

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