144 | HIGHLIGHT DETROIT Renee Heigel on Loving Yourself Naked, The Art of Surrender + More!

Episode Summary

Today's another HIGHLIGHT DETROIT episode I talk with my friend Renee Heigel . She is a local friend of mine and in today's convo we talk about the importance of body confidence. We talk about the importance of getting outside of your comfort zones and releasing the illusion of control are crucial to overall happiness. I love Renee and I'm sure after this conversation you will as well.

Episode Notes

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Notes from the show:
-Renee's Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram YouTube
-Books we mention in this episode:: Life Changing Magic of Tiding Up, Big Magic, The Untethered Soul, The Surrender ExperimentHold on to your Kids (for parents)
-Renee loves the podcast Undone
-Natural Calm Magnesium is the drink Renee has before bed each night
-LOCAL DETROIT SHOUTOUT to Inn Season Cafe and their amazing cashew veggie stir-fry


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