Chloe Cooks from Pickles in Her Pocket to Anchovies & Soup

Episode Summary

This week I spoke to chef, recipe developer, writer and food stylist Chloe Walsh, also known as Chloe Cooks. A Brit based out of Los Angeles, she hosts pop-ups, writes her incredible Substack (Anchovies & Soup), swims, and is known for her potato recipe and so much more. In addition to loving her food, I love her. I’m lucky enough to get to call her a friend and neighbor. She had me over a couple weeks ago, made us lunch, and we talked for hours about everything from her favorite places to go in LA, to meals to cook when alone, food culture as it relates to bodies, chronic illness, writing, design, growing her audience, managing her energy, and following her intuition in the kitchen. I loved every second of this one and I hope you do too!

Episode Notes

This week I spoke to chef, recipe developer, writer and food stylist Chloe Walsh, also known as Chloe Cooks. A Brit based out of Los Angeles, she hosts pop-ups, writes her incredible Substack (Anchovies & Soup), swims, and is known for her potato recipe and so much more. In addition to loving her food, I love her. I’m lucky enough to get to call her a friend and neighbor. She had me over a couple weeks ago, made us lunch, and we talked for hours about everything from her favorite places to go in LA, to meals to cook when alone, food culture as it relates to bodies, chronic illness, writing, design, growing her audience, managing her energy, and following her intuition in the kitchen. I loved every second of this one and I hope you do too!


Show notes:

- Get Magic Mind at 50% off with the Black Friday offer, available only through my link until December 6th: https://magicmind.com/liobf

- Find Chloe on  IG | Substack

- Find me on IG: @letitouttt + @katiedalebout | Substack

- PIVOT zine: sign up for my paid Substack & we'll mail you a copy

- Kate's Substack, Bite Sized


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Episode 328: effortless takes effort, connection & cooking, embracing our humanness + more with Julia Turshen