237 | Creativity, Wisdom, Bodies, Sex + Food Connection, Psychedelics, Dance & music with Tasha Blank DJ and teacher

Episode Summary

I adore Tasha. I  admire her openness, wisdom, and presence. We covered everything from eating disorders to psychedelics to music, dance, and creativity. I learned so much in this conversation I'll probably listen to it for a third time.

Episode Notes

Notes from the Show:

-Tasha Blank on The Web | InstagramFacebook | Soundcloud | Twitter

- Tasha's course Radical Movement 101 : Early bird pricing goes until October 1. Enrollment closes October 17.

-The Feldenkrais Method

-Burning Man

-How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan

- The 5 Rhythms Dance Practice

- The Get Down Dance Party | Instagram |

All original music composed by Carolyn Pennypacker RiggsAlbum art by Zoie Harman

Cool Things to Check-Out:

-Come to my Wellness Workshop with Kelsey Patel in NYC and DC. Register here.

-Come to my New Years Eve 2 night retreat at Kripalu Retreat Center. Get your tickets here. Use code OCTOBER20 for 20% off until October 20th!

-Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates on where I'll be and what I'm loving!

-Join the listener Facebook Group

-Get my book Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling.


This episode was supported by Organifi. I love their Organifi Green Juice - an organic superfood green juice powder you just add to water to get your greens anytime, anywhere!


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[clickToTweet tweet="'not so much trying to get to a place when we're healed and we never have a bad day....we're here to experience contrast. that joy of remembering is kinda what life is all about.' #letitoutpod @katiedalebout @djtashablank" quote="'not so much trying to get to a place when we're healed and we never have a bad day....we're here to experience contrast. that joy of remembering is kinda what life is all about.'"]

[clickToTweet tweet="'therapy isn't enough, dance isn't enough, acupuncture,...it's all of those things together.' #letitoutpod @katiedalebout @djtashablank" quote="'therapy isn't enough, dance isn't enough, acupuncture,...it's all of those things together.'"]