286 | what's your [de]sign? making human design a common language + connection with Erin Claire Jones

Episode Summary

I loved this live conversation with human design expert Erin Claire Jones. This is the second time I’ve had Erin on the podcast, and she breaks down human design in such an approachable and grounded way that I really resonate with. Her first time on the podcast was a year ago (her first podcast ever) and since then so much has changed. We talk about following your intuition, making decisions, partnerships and dating, creativity, and how human design can help with being a person in the world.

Episode Notes

Show notes:

- Erin's January 2019 episode on Let It Out

- Erin Claire on The Web | Instagram

- Discount code LETITOUT for 10% off a Blueprint

If you liked this episode try out:

- first episode with Erin Claire

- Jenna Zoë

- Emmalea Russo